Animated Customs Page
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Yes! I do Animated Customs!

A special thanks to Tim at Cool Collecting for hosting Custom Con 4 which I am proud to say I was a part of. Scroll down to see the Animated Series figures that didn't make it to a Custom Con!

Click on the logo above to be taken to my
first entry into Custom Con!
Custom Con 4

CustomCon is a fake con report. The fictional convention is an action figure convention. This page features links and info on "new waves" of action figures in current (or past) action figure lines, and brand new lines of action figures! The figures are, of course, custom figures by a variety of customizers. Check them out!

Batman Beyond
Return of the Joker

This page features photos of Wave 3 from Customcon's special showing of figures from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. This wave of figures was actually sculpted by Myers' Farms. This wave features an Elderly Bruce Wayne with knee joints, a first for Batman fans since 1984! Equally exciting is the news of the first ever "Ace: The Bat Hound" figure with no Armour and a single-packed Terry McGinnis in civilian attire figure.

Batman Beyond
Return of the Joker

JLA The Animated Series

This link will take you to the first wave of JLA: The Animated Series that was co-sculpted with Myers' Farms by Matt Johnson.

*Figures designed In-House at Myers' Farms

JLA The Animated Series:
Wave One


This is an Animated Custom of Azreal as he appeared in "No Man's Land." I've been working on a Batman Beyond story for quite some time featuring a future version of Azrael and the young lady below.

The "New" Batgirl

An Animated version of Cassandra Cain
in her guise of Batgirl.