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Toys for the kid
in all of us!

You are visitor # 28565 since this site's launch on June 19th, 2000
Site reimagined on Thursday
November 8th, 2001

Check back often.

You never know what's instore.

You've all probably read this by NOW, but for those who haven't, my intro paragraph is STILL here:

I'm sure that by now you have read hundreds, maybe thousands of insipid web page intro paragraphs, well you can count this as one thousand and one. You're probably asking right now, "Why Myers' Farms?" Why Myers' Farms? One reason: No one else would.
I've always considered myself to be a bit of an original, I guess in actuality I'm two bits of two individuals, that being my mother and father, but to the point...Myers' Farms is all about the fresh wholesome feeling that we had when we were young, that certain sparkle in all of eyes that we had when nothing in the world was wrong and all that mattered to us were our toys.
So please enjoy this sight, and please, don't hesitate to tell me what you think because you're only young twice...

You may have noticed we've made some changes. We've added new pages, and we've even got a new logo. =~) New face same simple ideas. Have fun, and if you like what you see, don't forget to tell a friend.

E-mail us through the link at the bottom of the page.
We'd love to hear from you!

Just a little further...

There you go.

If you build it, they will view...
aka Legal Stuff!

Copyright & TM* 2000 Mark A. Myers. Myers' Farms, INC. Lafayette, Indiana 47909-8162. This is a CUSTOM toy website. All Rights Reserved. All characters and indicia contained herein are copyright there respective owners. No exclusive rights are inferred or implied.